Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tell me all about Ablachian Wicca

Web Witchcraft Pagan Goth
Tell me all about Ablachian Wicca

I am in the midst of completing my first circle within my spiral-group. Much of this takes the form of 'absorption' i.e. active listening to the elders, at pointed moots - the gathered neophytes are not allowed to speak. The idea is to take away what we have heard, think and research, then contribute at the alternating outer circle moots. I often hear references to Ablachian Wicca. From what I can gather, this was short lived and there is little known about how widespread or active it has been, or maybe still is. I have found a few references, mainly to Scots 'folklore' It seems rites are played out in a particular 'natural' apple-orchard in the Western Isles, which some of my elders have made pilgrimages to. As I am hoping to spend a family holiday in the Western Isles, I am curious. I may have heard wrong, but if any of this sounds familiar please leave a comment.


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